Unfairly Charged for Damage You Didn't Cause?

Discover How Click Rent Barcelona Car Hire Could Wrongly Bill You for Damages
Click Rent Barcelona Employee

Unveiling the Truth Behind Click Rent Barcelona

Many many people are angry that they have been wrongly charged by the car rental firm Click Rent. The way it works is they give you a car with lots of damage, but don't record all the damage on their computer. Then when you return the car they charge you for damage you have not committed.

You must take photos and videos of the car when you hire it. But be careful even with photo evidence they may still charge you. They will charge you for the tiniest mark on the car. Some customers have been charged over 1000 euros for marks less than 1cm in size.

Click Rent are dangerous

Click Rent have one of the most aggressive charging policies in the world

No minimum size

They will charge you for any mark on the car even less than 1cm. 

Inaccurate records

They do not accurately record damage on their system, so you may be charged for damage from previous customers..

Repeat charging

Many customers end up paying for the same piece of damage. This is very profitable for Click Rent.

Official Complaints.

If you are a victim of Click Rent make sure you make an official complaint and record all evidence. Hojas De Reclamaciones (Customer Complaint Forms)

Barcelona Staff 

Click Rent staff to be cautious with

Scammer headquarters?

How many people have lost 1000's and 1000's because of Click & Rent? This company makes 70 million a year, how is that possible just from cheap rentals? Maybe they make their money by claiming damage costs?

Plaça Pla de l'Estany, 1, 2, 08820 El Prat de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain

+34 971 73 06 96


Sun: Closed, Mon-Fri: 8 am-6 pm, Sat: 10 am-4 pm

Billing and Damages FAQs

Answers to common questions about billing and damages claims.

How can I dispute incorrect charges?

Contact them at +34 971 73 06 96 or v.beltran@click-rent.es the CEO of Click Rent

What if I was billed for damage I did not cause?

Please file a complaint in their complaints book Hoja de Reclamaciones, and with the European Union

Are there additional fees for disputing charges?

If they charge you extra fees, refuse and dispute those charges. They should not charge you for filing a complaint.

Fight Unfair Charges Now!

Have you been wrongly charged by Click Rent Barcelona? Take action today and get the justice you deserve. Contact us to fight back against incorrect fees.